06 December 2008

Cassandra's Dream

Genre: Drama
entah sejak kapan gue tertarik sama film2nya Woody Allen.
well, not professionally, of course. hanya sekedar tertarik aja. gue ga kaya seorang teman yg tampaknya menyukai film2 beliau karena alasan filosif ... filsofo ... uh ... fi-lo-so-fis. ya itu. hell, i don't even know what "phylosophy" means!

film pertama beliau yg gue tonton adalah Everyone Says I Love You, itupun karena ada iming2 Tim Roth berdendang di situ. hihiihi. turned out filmnya cute sekali. lalu, of course, Match Point dan Scoop. bayangkan betapa menderitanya gue harus nonton film2 berisikan lelaki2 keltik ganteng seksi haram djadah [Jonathan Rhys-Meyers dan Hugh Jackman] yg ujung2nya bakal ditiduri sama Scarslut Johansen. perempuan keparat!

nah, film Woody Allen yg barusan gue tonton judulnya Cassandra's Dream.
berceritakan sepasang abang-adek, Ian dan Terry [Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrel respectfully, dan gue ga tau which is the youngest and which is the oldest! bahkan mungkin aja mereka dibikin kembar di sini O_o ] yang tertimpa musibah ...
kesulitan uang '_'

Ian is the brother who was stuck helping his father on the restaurant, and Terry was the brother who worked on a car garage as a mechanic, when he's not betting on races or game of poker. until he lost. big time. 90 grand. poundsterling. all money.

since Terry had declared to Ian that "my money is yours", the loss could only means the two brothers shared the ill fate. recalling the fact that their uncle lived a posh life in california, and he's coming down to england for a visit, the boys made a private talk with their uncle about their situation. the uncle agreed on helping because family comes forst over everything, but with one simple condition after all. he was on the verge of crashing down if a particular someone didn't sneak on him about his clinic's actual condition. so, he would need this particular person to be ... taken care of. he asked the boys to do this for him. because family comes first over everything.

filmnya cukup oke, Celtic boys aside.
gue suka kontras peran2nya Ewan dan Colin. dan di sini tuh bener2 kebalikan dari "standar prosedur" karakteristik peran2 merkea sebelumnya. Ewan [which made me assumed he's the big brother one], terlihat cool dan berdarah dingin. well, mungkin seperti Obi-Wan Kenobi kali yaa ... he was the one yg terlihat "semangat" untuk membunuh orang yg akan menyusahkan pamannya. dan Colin, desipt the cool and rough exterior he was so panicky, soft and all that on the task given.

Alex: *grins widely*

agak2 pegimana aja gitu, secara terakhir gue liat film Colin yg baru itu In Bruges aja ya, dimana dia jadi pembunuh bayaran aja gituuu ...


and for some reasons [i seemed to like this phrase so much this month!], film ini bener2 terlihat sebagai film Woody Allen. gue ga bisa ngejelasin banget sih kenapa gue bisa berkesimpulan demikian. but there was just something about this movie that looked like Allen's movies that i'd watched.
mungkin twist filmnya? atau angle camera atau apalah. tapi gue melihat kemiripan antara film2 Allen yg udah gue tonton.

endingnya film ini ... yaahh .. demikian deh.
blood is thicker than water.

oya, ceweq2nya lucu2 di film ini ... hihihihihi

ps. pictures of Ewan and Colin and movie poster
came from Google Image Search.


Icha Himawari said...

yang tertimpa musibah ...kesulitan uang '_'

Gara2 taruhan pula :|

Well, it happens XD;

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