The Glaswegian Jakarta is back!
Setelah Imlek lewat, dan udara kembali panas, gue udah pasrah aja bernyanyi mengucapkan "Goodbye!" sama awan kelabu dan hujan, tapi hari ini mereka menyapa gue lagi. Bihik.
Anyway, mumpung udaranya lagi kaya gini, kita membahas topik yang cakung yuk [tahik, bahasa gue!]. Nope, bukan seputar makanan, karena gue hanya mahir makan, nggak mahir bikin review atau bikin blog kuliner whatsoever.
Jadi gini, semalem itu kan malam Jumat dan tadi pagi gue menemukan tiga post bererot yang [menurut gue] sangat sesuai tema malam Jumat yang identik dengan seram.
Yang pertama, post bertuliskan ‘Commitment is Scary’, ya udah lah ya, gak butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut ini mah.
Yang pertama, post bertuliskan ‘Commitment is Scary’, ya udah lah ya, gak butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut ini mah.
Yang kedua itu post yang menjabarkan [duh, beneran deh bahasa gue!] perbedaan Suka, Sayang, sama Cinta. Ya, memang sebuah topik yang cukup berat untuk dibahas di malam Jumat. Maupun Jumat siang seperti ini. Jadi silakan dibaca aja post-nya, dan pikirkan sendiri. Saya malas bingung.
Pirsawan Blog: Terus kenapa diungkit di sini sik yang dua itu?!
eLmo: Dih, terserah gue dong! blog juga blog gue! Guys? Halo? Ke mana kalian? Jangan tinggalkan aku ...
Anyway, post yang ketiga, dan yang paling bikin termenung, adalah berikut ini:
Aaaahhh ... just one week after that so-called day of love, the world is coming back to the way it should be. Real. Not all those mishy-mushy lovey-dovey thingy.
*dikejar segerombolan orang desa yang membawa obor, harpun dan garpu jerami*
So, have you?
It’s obviously not the most pleasant feeling in the world, but you just can’t deny that not all of them come with tears.
There are people that came with great memories, and when you looked to their photos and had all those feelings mentioned above, all you did was smile and reliving the good days you had with them using that small memory projectors in your head.
There are also people whom no matter how wonderful you had your days with them, no matter how sweet the separation was, but once you looked into their photos, you just can’t hold yourself to burst.
Even people who weren’t actually warming up to you, but even if they had a special place in your heart, you just can’t help your heart not breaking when seeing their photos.
Like when John had to saw Sherlock jumped off the building right before his very eyes. John even pleaded Sherlock to ‘Don't be dead’ on his gravestone.
Like when John had to saw Sherlock jumped off the building right before his very eyes. John even pleaded Sherlock to ‘Don't be dead’ on his gravestone.
Yeah, there’s always have to be a fandom in my entries.
The moment’s ruined, I know.
All I know, when you have to be apart with someone, you can never be ready. Even when you think you are. And, by God, it sucks even to think about it, yeah? Knowing that someone around you can be gone from your life at anytime, and that *points to the quote ... the Path post one, not the Sherlock one* happens.
And you know the cliche that comes with it?
“Time heals.”
Okay, it’s not a cliche, actually. It really is.
But don’t you just sick hearing people say that?
Just me then :|
By the way, you’re not hoping for a solution of this matter in my blog, do you?
Cause I’m just as bad in goodbyes. Let alone saying goodbye to a person, I can’t even say goodbye to my stuffs. Well, some of them. Okay, most of them. Otherwise, my room will be a junkyard. An awesome one, that is. Mwahaha.
I still had this elephant doll that my Da bought me when I was still a wee kid. I think my age was about one-digit number, and my Ma told me I was crying like mad asking for that doll at [I think] Jakarta Fair. My Da didn't buy it for me straightaway, though, he bought it with his next [or the one after next] pay check.
Also, I cried like a sissy schoolgirl who just got dumped by her boyfriend when I was leaving Glasgow on my UK trip last year. The city was so beautifully quirky and artsy, I felt like coming home to a home I never knew I ever had.
You can never be ready for separation, whatever it is.
All you can do is simply enjoying the times you are currently having.
You’ll be afraid, yes. But isn’t it good? Once you got afraid, you’ll do whatever it takes to avoid it to happen.
And if it happened eventually ... well, that’s life. Not everything’s in black and white.
There’s always a rainbow, and pots of gold at the end of it.
There’s always a rainbow, and pots of gold at the end of it.
Life’s not fair, isn’t it?
Enough for now.
Hope you have a fantastic Friday night, my Bloglings! ^^
- Photo of grey Jakarta is mine.
- Path posts came from my friends at Path.
- Fanart of Sherlock came from
- Photo of Glasgow is mine.
- Juliet and Mark came from Photobucket user Rore59.
- Path posts came from my friends at Path.
- Fanart of Sherlock came from
- Photo of Glasgow is mine.
- Juliet and Mark came from Photobucket user Rore59.