15 December 2008 29 comments


Genre: Drama
WARNING: i don't enjoy the book of Twilight that much, and watching this movie is not my own idea. and this is my multiply site. i could write whatever i want, if you're a die-hard fan of Twilight and you won't let people talk ugly about it, you have my permission to leave this page.

sekitar 2 minggu yg lalu, si suami mengajak gue nonton Twilight. langsung gue iyain aja, karena gue emang pengen ketemuan sama dia. but as time goes by, gue mulai memikirkan ... "apakah bener gue mo nonton Twilight?" karena jujur aja, gue ga begitu enjoy baca bukunya. dan gue kurang minat aja untuk ngejar2 sampe buku yg Breaking Dawn itu.
belom lagi mata dan kuping gue mulai gerah ngedenger orang2 pada ngomongin si Edward, dan status2 di ym/facebook/friendster itu mulai berbau2 "Edward Cullen" semua. gah.

sorry, ladies, for me, Edward is a disgrace for vampires *dirajam*
Lestat is still how i see a modern-day vampire would be. even if he only standing there, smiling quietly, i would come forward to him. flashing my neck, my wrist, or wherever he wants to shag bite me! and what's lacking on Edward? of course, the sexy fangs.
or maybe the unlimited pheromones as well *dirajam lagi*

anyway, and so the day came hither.
sehari sebelum nonton Twilight, mood gue berubah 180 derajad. i've got a super-eFFing-fantastic mood!! Twilight? bring it on! you want to take me watch Cinta Laura or Dewi Perssik, i don't give a shite!

dan ternyata filmnya ... way better than the book!
gue enjoy nonton Twilight, sodara2 sekalian yg terkasih dan tersayang. walopun selama 15menit pertama gue dan si suami yg disambitin orang2 sekitar gara2 berisik banget!! bitching terus ngebandingin sama bukunya ["kayanya di buku ga gitu ya? eh, itu ga ada di bukunya? lho koq gitu?"]. but overall, it's enjoyable.
i had fun watching it. walopun sambil dengerin iPod tidur bici2 sih ... hehehehe.
but i got my big mouth shut, when he came to the screen.

what? Edward?
pfft, no. you can take him, if you want, you know.
you know, that name was actually reminded me more to Emmet of Queer As Folk, instead of this cheeky vampire from the Cullen family.

it's him ... the one who [somewhat] fathered them all.
Carlisle Cullen.

oh. my. eFFing. god.
i was literally gasping and breathless when he first came to the screen.
he got this beautiful blond hair, and even from such distance you can see his light brown eyes gleaming cheekily, and his fair skin was so perfect. he was like an angel in that white coat. shinning as if he was a holy person sent down from heaven.
he moved gracefully entering the room, in slow motion. his fatherly smile flashed proudly on his face, complimenting the perfection of his look. by God, he's beautiful.

oke, lebay.
but he was sooooo .... gorgeous!!!

Pak Dokter ...

and Twilight looked better from that scene on.
sort of.

gue suka keluarga Cullen. they are so delicious sweet! walopun gue lebih tertarik sama yg ceweq2nya, Rosalie, Alice, Esme. Christ, they were beautiful!


Alicenya itu luwetchu buwangeeeettt!!! she looked somewhat familiar. a bit like Rachael Leigh-Cook perhaps? Rosalienya sangat dingin dan tjuwantek! she's an Ice Queen *ketjup*
Esme juga cantik dan ramah sekali, akupun akan suka sekali kalau dibawa pulang lelaki yang Ibunya seperti beliau *lirik Alex*

Alex: what?
eLmo: nothin'.

Pak Dokter ...

di adegan Bella diajak ke rumah keluarga Cullen, tampak Pak Dokter sedang berada di dapur ... huwaaa ... wuthunaaa ...
and i love Rosalie with her bowl! hillarious!

Pak Dokter ...

adegan paporit gue ... sama seperti 3251975642479105843265328 manusia lain yg udah nonton Twilight, the baseball scene. shit, man! mantap abis! thunder, the Cullens and Supermassive Blackhole were a perfect combination for a vampire family's game!

cast yg lain gue suka Victoria. and her "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" t-shirt.
i want that!

Alex: ... *cipok*
eLmo: not exactly what i'm talking about, but ... what the heck! *cipok balik*

dan gue ga suka James.
he looked like JebredPit!

filmnya sendiri menurut gue cukup lambat alurnya, walaupun engga selambat bukunya :p
dan gue suka sekali kotanya. kota di pegunungan yg juga deket pantai [HUH?!] berlangit abu2 dan hampir selalu hujan. dan cafe2 kecil itu, toko2nya ... nyaw ...
dan yg gue betein itu efek2nya.
duh, koq kayanya biasa banget ya? well, belom separah sinetron dabingan di salah satu tipi swasta sih, tapi untuk film akhir taon [yg biasanya gue dimanjakan dengan LOTR movie Trilogy, King Kong, Narnia, Eragon], kayanya biasa banget epek2nya. sama Supernatural juga masih bagusan Supernatural kali ya?

Pak Dokter ...

and, really sorry to say, sampe film berakhir, gue tetep ga suka sama si Edward, dan tampang emo nya itu.
kayanya dia di buku ga sedepressed ini deh. belom lagi pas dia jadi bling bling. i was expecting something like ... i dunno, Silver Surfer???
mungkin emang sentimen pribadi ya, secara dia tuh antithesisnya Lestat banget.

dan kalo di bukunya gue berasa pengen noyor2 Bella, di sini rada berkurang. bukan berarti gue ga pengen noyor ya. somehow gue kurang berasa chemistrynya Edward-Bella di sini. entahlah. emang ga semenye bukunya sih mereka berdua, tapi saking ga menyenya tuh ya itu ... kurang chemistry. justru pas yg mereka seharusnya udah intimate gitu [adegan bollywood rebahan di padang bunga?], malah gue baru merasakan kalo mereka saling tertarik. dan ketika Edward coming out ke Bella, koq dia emo sekali ya? O_o

ah ya sudahlah, emang not my cuppa aja kali ya cerita ini.

yg agak2 me-Lestat mungkin tuh Bapaknya, secara beliau satu2nya vampir yg keliatan gigit orang.
ya Allah, Tuhanku pencipta alam semesta bumi ...
Subhanallah ...
allahu Akbar!

Pak Dokter ...

Alex: i hate doctors. that's it. you, go home. *digeret jauh2 sama Alex*

ps.pics came from google image search


A-Z of Franz Ferdinand

Genre: Arts & Photography
Author:Helen Chase
i hereby declared myself as a Franz Ferdinand-obsessed.

seumur idup gue, baru sekali gue suka sama artis sampe bela2in beli stuffsnya. buku, kolor asli original cd, original dvd, nonton konser or whatever gitu. the first one, OF COURSE, Bryan Adams. gue punya buku bio dia. dua, sodara2 sekalian yg terkasih dan tersayang. 1 boxset 18 'Til I Die, dan 3 ORIGINAL live dvd. Bryan ROCKS!!
dan gue punya album2nya, ORIGINAL, dari awal sampe yg recent, 11. dalam bentuk cd maupun ... kaset XD
pernah nonton konsernya sekali. i was in the fanclub for about 3 years hihihihi.
gue sebenernya pengen juga beli buku fotografinya dia, apa daya finansial tidak mendukung.

anyway, sekarang setelah obsesi gue pada Bryan udah agak berkurang, gue punya target baru. the Archdukes of Pop. gue punya albumnya, kumplet ... oh, kecuali si mini album Darts of Pleasures itu *lirik nista dan damba pada EPnya Sherrie*
gue punya dvdnya, walaupun tidak original, gue punya Sound Bites *lirik Tintin*.
dan kemaren akhirnya orderan buku Franz gue, yg berjudul A to Z of Franz Ferdinand, dateng. setelah berbulan2 berpikir keras gimana caranya order buku di Amazon, dan kartu bebas miskin apa yg berlaku di mereka, bayar2an tambahan, konsultasi ma orang2 kiri kanan [Avin Kesuma, ai lop yu!], dll dll, akhirnya gue memesan buku ini di amazon!. well buku ini bukan Franz yg nulis sih, tapi seorang fans bernama Helen Chase. apparently, beliau yg satu ini sudah beberapa kali bersua dengan cowoq2 Glasgow ini, dan orang2 di sekitar mereka. so, she came up with the concept of the book.
from a fan to fans.

dan guys, kalian yg menganggap gue ensiklopedia berjalannya Franz Ferdinand ... believe me, di buku ini masih BANYAK hal2 yg gue ga tau tentang mereka!
such as, Alex dan Nick beneran pacaran!!! got a degree in catering management, and a POSTGRADUATE in computing. if i wasn't mistaken, postgraduate is equal to ... S2? *tiba2 ketakutan sama suami sendiri*, dan ketika dia bekerja jadi rentboy chef di sebuah cafe yg berlokasi di lantai dasar sebuah gedung apartment milik seorang raja Spartan haus darah di Limehouse delivery boy di restoran india, sembari nunggu disuruh delivery, Alex suka ngendon di dalem mobilnya yg berwarna biru [SIRIUS ditulis warnanya!] sambil baca buku2nya Charles Bukowski, waktu Nick pertama kali kedatengan Alex di rumahnya untuk nge jam bareng, he thought 'David  Bowie in my house! brilliant!', Alex and Nick each had younger sister with almost similar names, Bob bener2 korban kejahatan seksual Alex! takut terbang and he was the one who designed most of Franz single covers from the second album, Paul was the klutz and forgetful in the band despite his cuteness, dan mereka suka sekali mengedit2 each other's Wikipedia entry O_o kurang kerjaan emang.

seru juga sih ngebaca awal perjalanan mereka dari life before Franz, lalu meeting up dan gimana mereka mulai dari awal untuk playing music to people, performing, signing records, sampe akhirnya kaya sekarang. dan walopun mereka udah worldwide famous, but they still go home to Glasgow, heir hometown, to their families, friends and their usual life. before Franz. well, except for the odd jobs, of course.

dan ngebaca testimonial2 orang2 yg emang udah kenal mereka dari awal, fans yg pernah ketemu sama mereka, dan lain2, tampak cowoq2 ini bener2 keeping their feet on the ground. they still go out with the same friends. they still help their fellow musician friends. bahkan banyak fans yg malah heran dan amazed pas tau cowoq2 Franz ini aslinya emang pada sweet, baik hati, apa adanya [sampe ada yg bilang, 'they don't try to look less or more intelligent from what they actually are!' how cute!]

ngebacain komen2nya the band juga seru! apalagi gue, sebagai makhluk visual, tentu saja sambil membayangkan tampang2nya mereka pas ngomong gitu. Alex dengan muka excited-jailnya dan minta ditiduri, Nick dengan muka tengil cengengesan, Bob yg tampak malu2, Andy yg cengir2 tengil, dan Paul yg agak gregori tapi doyan. lovely.

quote favorit gue sepanjang buku datang dari Robert Hardy:
"yesterday, i heard this kid says, "hey, do you know Franz Ferdinand? apparently the singer isn't gay!"

*ngakak guling guling bantal bantal*

Alex: ..........

di buku ini juga ada beberapa blog entry dari official website mereka. penulis entry paling banyak adalah Alex. tampak suami gue yg satu ini emang doyan nulis [dulu dia sempet punya LiveJournal loh! ato kadang menghack account LJnya Paul hihihi ... ] . sama kaya gue *digetok sama Nick* dan dari style tulisannya, terbaca kalau dia ... autis O_o
he lives in his own world, but he wouldn't mind others to enter it *dikasih kaca sama orang banyak*

err ... okay.

gue suka banget baca cerita Alex, kalo dia ke supermarket itu paling seneng wandering around di lorong2nya sambil dorong trolley. tanpa tujuan. "there was something about the neons. it's calming." katanya. *dikasih cermin lagi sama orang banyak*.

err ... okay.

trus lagi ada ex-bandmate Alex yg bilang kalo [somehitng like], 'Alex lives in his own world, he dresses in his own way, he listens to his kind of music, he practically lives in his own world.' *dijorokin ke rumah kaca sama orang banyak*

dan style penulisan Helen juga sangat light. simple english, she didn't sound like a know-it-all. she could bring us to the amazing world of Franz.
well, kalo ada any of you yg happen to cross by this book dan membacanya, mungkin kalian akan mengerti kenapa gue bisa sampe segitunya sama band ini ^_^

Bryan: i can't.
Alex: good.
eLmo: bertengkar mulu nih!

ps. i really would like to say the pictures came from the book,
but actually, only two of them, the rest was from Franz Fan Girls forum.
i was too lazy to scan.

06 December 2008 1 comments

Cassandra's Dream

Genre: Drama
entah sejak kapan gue tertarik sama film2nya Woody Allen.
well, not professionally, of course. hanya sekedar tertarik aja. gue ga kaya seorang teman yg tampaknya menyukai film2 beliau karena alasan filosif ... filsofo ... uh ... fi-lo-so-fis. ya itu. hell, i don't even know what "phylosophy" means!

film pertama beliau yg gue tonton adalah Everyone Says I Love You, itupun karena ada iming2 Tim Roth berdendang di situ. hihiihi. turned out filmnya cute sekali. lalu, of course, Match Point dan Scoop. bayangkan betapa menderitanya gue harus nonton film2 berisikan lelaki2 keltik ganteng seksi haram djadah [Jonathan Rhys-Meyers dan Hugh Jackman] yg ujung2nya bakal ditiduri sama Scarslut Johansen. perempuan keparat!

nah, film Woody Allen yg barusan gue tonton judulnya Cassandra's Dream.
berceritakan sepasang abang-adek, Ian dan Terry [Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrel respectfully, dan gue ga tau which is the youngest and which is the oldest! bahkan mungkin aja mereka dibikin kembar di sini O_o ] yang tertimpa musibah ...
kesulitan uang '_'

Ian is the brother who was stuck helping his father on the restaurant, and Terry was the brother who worked on a car garage as a mechanic, when he's not betting on races or game of poker. until he lost. big time. 90 grand. poundsterling. all money.

since Terry had declared to Ian that "my money is yours", the loss could only means the two brothers shared the ill fate. recalling the fact that their uncle lived a posh life in california, and he's coming down to england for a visit, the boys made a private talk with their uncle about their situation. the uncle agreed on helping because family comes forst over everything, but with one simple condition after all. he was on the verge of crashing down if a particular someone didn't sneak on him about his clinic's actual condition. so, he would need this particular person to be ... taken care of. he asked the boys to do this for him. because family comes first over everything.

filmnya cukup oke, Celtic boys aside.
gue suka kontras peran2nya Ewan dan Colin. dan di sini tuh bener2 kebalikan dari "standar prosedur" karakteristik peran2 merkea sebelumnya. Ewan [which made me assumed he's the big brother one], terlihat cool dan berdarah dingin. well, mungkin seperti Obi-Wan Kenobi kali yaa ... he was the one yg terlihat "semangat" untuk membunuh orang yg akan menyusahkan pamannya. dan Colin, desipt the cool and rough exterior he was so panicky, soft and all that on the task given.

Alex: *grins widely*

agak2 pegimana aja gitu, secara terakhir gue liat film Colin yg baru itu In Bruges aja ya, dimana dia jadi pembunuh bayaran aja gituuu ...


and for some reasons [i seemed to like this phrase so much this month!], film ini bener2 terlihat sebagai film Woody Allen. gue ga bisa ngejelasin banget sih kenapa gue bisa berkesimpulan demikian. but there was just something about this movie that looked like Allen's movies that i'd watched.
mungkin twist filmnya? atau angle camera atau apalah. tapi gue melihat kemiripan antara film2 Allen yg udah gue tonton.

endingnya film ini ... yaahh .. demikian deh.
blood is thicker than water.

oya, ceweq2nya lucu2 di film ini ... hihihihihi

ps. pictures of Ewan and Colin and movie poster
came from Google Image Search.

05 November 2008 4 comments


Genre: Rock
Artist:Bryan Adams
akhirnya ya gue membuat review album ini O_o
sebenernya punyanya udah lama. banget. dari jaman2 masih berbentuk mp3 [which masih fresh banget di toko], sampe sekarang udah punya dalam bentuk cd ORIGINAL! [catat itu, teman2 sekalian, saya juga membeli barang original!]

setelah bertahun2 mendedikasikan hidupnya pada touring dan fotografi, akhirnya Bryan Adams bikin album baru. album ini dirilis melalui jalur indie, karena Bryan udah lepas dari recording company nya. masih dengan proses hotel room-to-hotel room. album ini beri judul 11, karena ini adalah album Bryan ke-11, dan terdiri dari 11 lagu *SIRIUS*
konsepnya masih seperti album2 terdahulu [dan kalo gue boleh sadis, terdengar masih seperti album2 terdahulu juga! XD ], musik pop-rock dengan lirik2 flirting. tapi sekarang tampak Bryan udah semakin dewasa dalam menulis liriknya. udah engga melulu lope2 ala highschooler. bahkan terdengar lebih filosofis. lebih universal love.

dan masih dengan konsep kemaruk, Bryan juga yg motret cover sleeve album ini. dan hampir seperti album2 awalnya, 11 juga ... pelit lirik!
but still, it's really nice to hear Bryan on album. walopun lebih SANGAT menyenangkan lagi kalo mendengar dia membawakan lagu2nya live. di Jakarta, misalnya ...

oh yeah, hari ini November 5th, Barrack Obama resmi terpilih menjadi presiden US.
dan ...
Happy B'day Bryan!

25 October 2008 2 comments

Rock In Rio

Genre: Alternative Rock
Artist:Franz Ferdinand

"Details have been announced of the broadcast of  tour documentary Rock It To Rio on Franz Ferdinand. The film, shot by acclaimed director Don Letts on the bands South American tour in February, will be aired on Channel 4 on Sunday 24th September at 11.50."

- http://www.ukmusic.com -

and so i found the downloaded version of the concert. ha-ha.
well, a dear friend named Frankie gave the link to me, actually.

konsernya keren banget. gue belom pernah nonton Franz live in concert, tapi dari "archive" youtube gue, bisa terlihat kalau mereka sangat bagus live actnya. walaupun, menurut gue masih di bawah Bryan Adams. gue engga tau apa karena stagenya Rock In Rio ini yang terlalu besar untuk mereka berempat atau gimana, tapi melihat set stagenya bisa membuat konser Bryan Adams terlihat sangat mewah. dan anak2 Franz tampak kurang pecicilan, mungkin karena gitar2 mereka masih tersambung kabel ke ampli, sedangkan setelah gue menonton 3 dvd konser Bryan, tampak beliau entah udah wireless gitarnya atau kabelnya sekilo gue ga tau, dia bisa berlarian dari ujung panggung yang satu ke ujung panggung yang lainnya. mungkin kalau anak2 Franz pake berlarian di panggung, kasian Alex. soalnya dia lagi jalan mundur di panggung aja bisa keserimpet kabel.

konsernya hanya menyiarkan Franz ketika membawakan lagu2 dari dua albumnya. sebenernya kalau disimak mereka juga membawakan beberapa lagu baru, tapi dicut, enggak disiarkan. mungkin untuk mencegah pembuatan illegal bootleg? [kaya anak2 itu peduli aja!]. sayang juga sih, padahal soundnya bagus banget tuh, pasti asik kalo ...


ya, sekarang saya tau kenapa ketika mereka membawakan lagu2 barunya nggak disiarin! XD

performance Alex, Nick, Bob dan Paul sangat luar biasa. Alex suaranya mantap banget live. susah membayangkan kalau dia sebenernya ada asma, sampe tahap inhalernya selalu stand by di saku celana setiap saat, dan dia bisa panik sendiri kalo tu benda sampe ketinggalan. Nick tampak kekuatan lengannya sangat amazing, karena lagu2 Franz Ferdinand rata2 membutuhkan permainan gitar yang upbeat. Paul, si drummer kurus kering, ternyata menyimpan tenaga yang sangat besar di balik kecungkringannya. dan Bob, yang walaupun hanya berdiri tenang nyaris tidak melakukan apapun yang menarik perhatian, sangat ahli memainkan basnya, dan dia adalah orang yang "dijebak" Alex untuk ikutan bikin band ini.


Alex: hey, Bob, do you want to make a band?
Bob: what? i'm an artist, not a musician.

Alex: ............. they're the same, you know.

[kurang lebih seperti itu]

ya, emang kurang ajar si Alex itu.

yang menurut gue agak kurang itu lagu Walk Away. gue suka banget lagu ini. baik versi album yang terdengar manis dan ballad-y, maupun versi live yang lebih galak. sekitar 2 tahun lalu, Franz Ferdinand selalu mengajak teman mereka, Andy Knowles, yang juga bertugas sebagai asistennya Paul untuk memainkan drum di lagu ini, dan Paul maju memainkan gitar [walaupun dia terlihat canggung, dan tampak lebih nyaman ketika memainkan drumkitnya]. di konser ini, Andy tidak terlihat, dan lagunya entah kenapa beatnya jadi lelet, agak2 kurang nangkep gitu feel lagunya.

stagenya, again, gue bilang terlalu besar untuk mereka. dan the ladz jadi terlihat mati gaya di panggung sebesar itu, padahal di Brixton Academy gig mereka terlihat cukup pecicilan ketika show, terutama Alex yang sibuk jual feromon. ya, dia udah engga jual pesona lagi, saudara2 sekalian yang terkasih dan tersayang! gue engga tau ya apa karna ada Nick yang setia berada di sampingnya atau apa, tapi body languagenya Alex tuh sangat mengundang!

oi, people who wants RUU Pornografi diapprove!! yang bisa bikin pikiran iya2 tuh bukan perempuan doang tau!! ada nih lelaki yang walopun berpakaian lengkap ketutup semua bisa bikin turn on!

anyway, lagu2 yang dibawakan, seperti yang sudah saya duga, terdengar lebih mantap live. dan saya suka band2/musisi2 seperti ini. mereka yang bisa membuat lagu2nya terdengar lebih baik ketika live, that's how it should be.

Michael seperti biasa dijadikan lagu pembuka, dan tampak Alex sangat menghayati lagu ini. benarkah kalau lagu ini adalah kisah pribadi dirinya? instead of a friend?

you're all that i see, i wanna see
so come and dance with me Michael
so sexy, you're all sexy
so come and dance with me Michael
this is what i am, i am a man
so come and dance with me Michael
so close now, you're close now
so come and dance with me, so come and dance with me
so come all over me ...

yeah .. right ... a friend's experience, Alex?

dan juga seperti biasa, konser ini ditutup dengan This Fire, yang sangat memacu adrenaline.
cukup gawat konser ini ya ...

all i know, it's better than watching porn ...

oh ya, ada camoe dari Nyonya Paul Thompson, Esther, dan bayi mereka Georgie.

oh and if anyone interested for the link ... here.

ps. pics came from Google search. dan bukannya ga cinta ma Paul and Bob,
tapi susah banget cari foto mereka yg Rock and Rio! O_o

09 July 2008 14 comments

Bram's Stoker's Dracula

Genre: Romance
when i was a kid, i could never really watched this movie. for an obvious reason, fright. i hate Lucy's vampire-bride look and totally frightened by it, and i hate the soundtrack, totally frightening. back then, of course, i didn't know that Annie Lennox had a beautiful song called Love Song For A Vampire in it.

and today, i still found the vampire-bride look frightening, but i don't mind watching it. and i think the soundtrack as a whole was excellent. moreover, i fell completely in love with Bram Stoker's Dracula. it's beautiful, it's tragic, it's romantic. i find it more romantic than a certain story about two teenagers who just hit their puberty and found "love" at first sight at a ball masquerade. the forbidden love between a nosferatu who was a lethal killer and an innocent woman who just married the love of her life was beautifully captured. different from the novel, yet it fits the story without any odd feeling to it.

so, when a local station aired Dracula few nights ago, i just can't say no to it.

i love the visualisation and cinematography in this movie .... Gary Oldman and Winona Ryder aside, of course. the old Victorian feel, the Gothic aura, the creepy things happened when the Count is around. wicked. Mr. Coppola brought a different kind of Dracula story compared to the novel, yet it has the same shivering horror, which was more tragic, in my point of view. since in the novel, we could hardly feel the Count's existence. it was pure terror of his that linger while reading the book.

Gary Oldman gave a superb performance as the Count. from that arse-look-alike wig on his head to the John Lennon look when the Count grew young ... brilliant. don't really fancy the hairstyle, though ... but what's in the hair when you've got a Transylvanian Lord with an Eastern-European accent? very hot. Winona Ryder puled off a flawless english accent, as opposite Keanu's. horrid. honestly, don't they supposed to have language/accent coach for that?

still my favourite scene by far was the condemned matrimony. when Dracula sort-of proposing Mina to be his wife, and later he called it off himself, by saying thisbeautiful line, "you will be cursed as i am to walk in the shadows of death for all eternity. i love you too much to condemn you."
damn, that's deep, my Lord.
back then when i first watched this movie as a whole [not only for the gorgeous white wolf], i felt a tear coming out when he said that. that was touching.

in the book, the Count's death was quick. not painless, i suppose. as in the movie, it was dramatic. he died in front of the altar where he took vow to be an undead, "watched" by his beloved Elisabeta, and later he died at the very same place his wife lied lifeless, witnessed by his present lover, Mina Harker.

then came Annie Lennox's song.
and i felt like crying.

Love Song For A Vampire.

come into these arms again
and lay your body down
the rhythm of this trembling heart
it's beating like a drum
it beats for you,it bleeds for you
it knows not how it sounds
for it is the drum of drums
it is the song of songs

once i had the rarest rose
that ever deigned to bloom
cruel winter chilled the bud
and stole my flower too soon
oh loneliness
oh hopelessness
to search the ends of time
for there is in all the world
no greater love than mine

love o love o love
o love o love o love
o love still falls the rain
o love o love
o love o love o love
o love still falls the night
love o love o love
o love o love o love
o love be mine forever (be mine forever)
love o love o love
o love o love o love
o love o love o love
o love o love o love

let me be the only one
to keep you from the cold
now the floor of heav’n is laid
with stars of brightest gold
they shine for you
they shine for you
they burn for all to see
come into these arms again
and set this spirit free
