Rating: | ★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
WARNING: i don't enjoy the book of Twilight that much, and watching this movie is not my own idea. and this is my multiply site. i could write whatever i want, if you're a die-hard fan of Twilight and you won't let people talk ugly about it, you have my permission to leave this page.
sekitar 2 minggu yg lalu, si suami mengajak gue nonton Twilight. langsung gue iyain aja, karena gue emang pengen ketemuan sama dia. but as time goes by, gue mulai memikirkan ... "apakah bener gue mo nonton Twilight?" karena jujur aja, gue ga begitu enjoy baca bukunya. dan gue kurang minat aja untuk ngejar2 sampe buku yg Breaking Dawn itu.
belom lagi mata dan kuping gue mulai gerah ngedenger orang2 pada ngomongin si Edward, dan status2 di ym/facebook/friendster itu mulai berbau2 "Edward Cullen" semua. gah.
sorry, ladies, for me, Edward is a disgrace for vampires *dirajam*
Lestat is still how i see a modern-day vampire would be. even if he only standing there, smiling quietly, i would come forward to him. flashing my neck, my wrist, or wherever he wants to
or maybe the unlimited pheromones as well *dirajam lagi*
anyway, and so the day came hither.
sehari sebelum nonton Twilight, mood gue berubah 180 derajad. i've got a super-eFFing-fantastic mood!! Twilight? bring it on! you want to take me watch Cinta Laura or Dewi Perssik, i don't give a shite!
dan ternyata filmnya ... way better than the book!
gue enjoy nonton Twilight, sodara2 sekalian yg terkasih dan tersayang. walopun selama 15menit pertama gue dan si suami yg
i had fun watching it. walopun sambil
but i got my big mouth shut, when he came to the screen.
what? Edward?
pfft, no. you can take him, if you want, you know.
you know, that name was actually reminded me more to Emmet of Queer As Folk, instead of this cheeky vampire from the Cullen family.
it's him ... the one who [somewhat] fathered them all.
Carlisle Cullen.
oh. my. eFFing. god.
i was literally gasping and breathless when he first came to the screen.
he got this beautiful blond hair, and even from such distance you can see his light brown eyes gleaming cheekily, and his fair skin was so perfect. he was like an angel in that white coat. shinning as if he was a holy person sent down from heaven.
he moved gracefully entering the room, in slow motion. his fatherly smile flashed proudly on his face, complimenting the perfection of his look. by God, he's beautiful.
oke, lebay.
but he was sooooo .... gorgeous!!!
Pak Dokter ...
and Twilight looked better from that scene on.
sort of.
gue suka keluarga Cullen. they are so
Alicenya itu luwetchu buwangeeeettt!!! she looked somewhat familiar. a bit like Rachael Leigh-Cook perhaps? Rosalienya sangat dingin dan tjuwantek! she's an Ice Queen *ketjup*
Esme juga cantik dan ramah sekali, akupun akan suka sekali kalau dibawa pulang lelaki yang Ibunya seperti beliau *lirik Alex*
Alex: what?
eLmo: nothin'.
Pak Dokter ...
di adegan Bella diajak ke rumah keluarga Cullen, tampak Pak Dokter sedang berada di dapur ... huwaaa ... wuthunaaa ...
and i love Rosalie with her bowl! hillarious!
Pak Dokter ...
adegan paporit gue ... sama seperti 3251975642479105843265328 manusia lain yg udah nonton Twilight, the baseball scene. shit, man! mantap abis! thunder, the Cullens and Supermassive Blackhole were a perfect combination for a vampire family's game!
cast yg lain gue suka Victoria. and her "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" t-shirt.
i want that!
Alex: ... *cipok*
eLmo: not exactly what i'm talking about, but ... what the heck! *cipok balik*
dan gue ga suka James.
he looked like JebredPit!
filmnya sendiri menurut gue cukup lambat alurnya, walaupun engga selambat bukunya :p
dan gue suka sekali kotanya. kota di pegunungan yg juga deket pantai [HUH?!] berlangit abu2 dan hampir selalu hujan. dan cafe2 kecil itu, toko2nya ... nyaw ...
dan yg gue betein itu efek2nya.
duh, koq kayanya biasa banget ya? well, belom separah sinetron dabingan di salah satu tipi swasta sih, tapi untuk film akhir taon [yg biasanya gue dimanjakan dengan LOTR movie Trilogy, King Kong, Narnia, Eragon], kayanya biasa banget epek2nya. sama Supernatural juga masih bagusan Supernatural kali ya?
Pak Dokter ...
and, really sorry to say, sampe film berakhir, gue tetep ga suka sama si Edward, dan tampang emo nya itu.
kayanya dia di buku ga sedepressed ini deh. belom lagi pas dia jadi bling bling. i was expecting something like ... i dunno, Silver Surfer???
mungkin emang sentimen pribadi ya, secara dia tuh antithesisnya Lestat banget.
dan kalo di bukunya gue berasa pengen noyor2 Bella, di sini rada berkurang. bukan berarti gue ga pengen noyor ya. somehow gue kurang berasa chemistrynya Edward-Bella di sini. entahlah. emang ga semenye bukunya sih mereka berdua, tapi saking ga menyenya tuh ya itu ... kurang chemistry. justru pas yg mereka seharusnya udah intimate gitu [adegan bollywood rebahan di padang bunga?], malah gue baru merasakan kalo mereka saling tertarik. dan ketika Edward coming out ke Bella, koq dia emo sekali ya? O_o
ah ya sudahlah, emang not my cuppa aja kali ya cerita ini.
yg agak2 me-Lestat mungkin tuh Bapaknya, secara beliau satu2nya vampir yg keliatan gigit orang.
ya Allah, Tuhanku pencipta alam semesta bumi ...
Subhanallah ...
allahu Akbar!
Pak Dokter ...
Alex: i hate doctors. that's it. you, go home. *digeret jauh2 sama Alex*
ps.pics came from google image search