21 May 2012 6 comments

[Promo] Tryst: A Queer Love Story

People of planet Earth,

sekalinya bikin entry lagi, isinya malah promosi ... ha!
Teman-teman sekalian, apakah kalian masih ingat entry Multiply-ku yang ini:

hehee .. .akhirnya muncul juga ni buku! aku senaannggg ... !!

teman2ku sekalian .. kalau melihat buku ini di toko buku *OHOK*Gramediadansaudara2nya*OHOK* dibeli yaaa ...
quickie: Hai, aku Vincent. Senang bertemu kalian.”
Dorian melihat aktor yang baru datang itu. Seorang lelaki tampan dengan
rambut coklat muda yang agak berantakan, kulit yang sedikit terbakar matahari,
senyum nakal dan mata ungu yang indah.
Manusia macam apa dia? – sungut Dorian – aku tidak pernah bertemu orang seperti itu. Dia bisa menghidupkan Count Dracula lebih hebat dari Bela Lugosi dan Gary Oldman. Ya ampun! Hanya dengan melihatnya sebagai Dracula, aku hampir mengalami orgasme seperti tadi!
Kenapa kau, Gale? Kau benar-benar seorang homo sekarang.
edit: gue nge upload cover official nya Tryst.oke, emang ga beda jauh, tapi ya inilah cover yg benernya XD

Ada yang udah beli bukunya? Terima kasih kalau sudah, Anda telah membantu seorang anak manusia menambah uang sakunya, saya senang sekali. Semoga Gusti Zeus membalas baik budi kalian.

Kalau belum, Anda bisa mendapatkannya sekarang! Yep, setelah sekian lama banyak yang bertanya, akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk menjual buku ini lagi untuk teman-teman yang kemaren 'complain', udah nggak bisa nemu lagi di toko buku (ya iyalah, ni buku dijualnya udah hampir 5 tahun yang lalu hihihi).

Ada lumayan banyak nih stoknya, walaupun enggak sampe ribuan ya, bingung juga gw naronya di mana kalo sampe ribuan buku dateng ke gw at one time :|

Buat yang berminat, silakan kontak gw di sini atau di e-mail, siriuslyelmo@gmail.com , atau di Twitter ya: @siriuslyelmo.

Harga buku: Rp 35.000, free ongkir.
Kalau yang di Jakarta mah, ketemuan aja kali ye, sukur-sukur dapet cap jempol gw, atau terserah deh, kalian yang milih mau dapet cap jari mana.

Looking forward hearing from you guys! ^^

PS. Buat yang pernah baca tulisan gw di majalah/Cross-Stitch, tulisannya berbeda koq, as in yang ini lebih amatir dan cupu, hahahaha XD


[Promo] Tryst: A Queer Love Story

People of planet Earth, 
Post pertama di blog baru ini, isinya malah promosi ... ha!
Teman-teman sekalian, apakah kalian masih ingat entry Multiply-ku yang ini:


hehee .. .akhirnya muncul juga ni buku! aku senaannggg ... !!

teman2ku sekalian .. kalau melihat buku ini di toko buku *OHOK*Gramediadansaudara2nya*OHOK* dibeli yaaa ...

Hai, aku Vincent. Senang bertemu kalian.”

Dorian melihat aktor yang baru datang itu. Seorang lelaki tampan dengan
rambut coklat muda yang agak berantakan, kulit yang sedikit terbakar matahari,
senyum nakal dan mata ungu yang indah.

Manusia macam apa dia? – sungut Dorian – aku tidak pernah bertemu orang seperti itu. Dia bisa menghidupkan Count Dracula lebih hebat dari Bela Lugosi dan Gary Oldman. Ya ampun! Hanya dengan melihatnya sebagai Dracula, aku hampir mengalami orgasme seperti tadi!
Kenapa kau, Gale? Kau benar-benar seorang homo sekarang.

edit: gue nge upload cover official nya Tryst.oke, emang ga beda jauh, tapi ya inilah cover yg benernya XD

Ada yang udah beli bukunya? Terima kasih kalau sudah, Anda telah membantu seorang anak manusia menambah uang sakunya, saya senang sekali. Semoga Gusti Zeus membalas baik budi kalian.

Kalau belum, Anda bisa mendapatkannya sekarang! Yep, setelah sekian lama banyak yang bertanya, akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk menjual buku ini lagi untuk teman-teman yang kemaren 'complain', udah nggak bisa nemu lagi di toko buku (ya iyalah, ni buku dijualnya udah hampir 5 tahun yang lalu hihihi).

Ada lumayan banyak nih stoknya, walaupun enggak sampe ribuan ya, bingung juga gw naronya di mana kalo sampe ribuan buku dateng ke gw at one time :|

Buat yang berminat, silakan kontak gw di sini atau di e-mail, siriuslyelmo@gmail.com , atau di Twitter ya: @siriuslyelmo.

Harga buku: Rp 35.000, free ongkir.
Kalau yang di Jakarta mah, ketemuan aja kali ye, sukur-sukur dapet cap jempol gw, atau terserah deh, kalian yang milih mau dapet cap jari mana.

Looking forward hearing from you guys! ^^


PS. Buat yang pernah baca tulisan gw di majalah/Cross-Stitch, tulisannya berbeda koq, as in yang ini lebih amatir dan cupu, hahahaha XD

20 May 2012 0 comments

[Blog] Virtual

isn't it amazing how communication had changed so fast?
what is distance to it now?
what came through celebrities and their fans?

i remember back then, i wrote [yes, WROTE, as in paper and pen] to Bryan Adams.
and i asked my cousin who got a duty in Vancouver to post it to his fanclub, so i could save on postal fare.
and how excited i was when Alex replied to my message on the band's myspace, showing off what i did with his picture.
and now, i could chat with them. well, not that i had did that. but i might. given the same time i would go online and them.

but, still, i miss the excitement of checking the mail box and found an envelope with my name and address on it. ripping the paper and read what was written inside, asking how was i doing, reading about the sender's activities, their stories and all that.
and for once, not some bills that i have to pay.


[Review] Star Trek

"memangnya belom nonton Star Trek, eL?"

demikianlah sebuah kalimat singkat dan polos bernada nyindir dari Bosnya Rendy yang NG'GUWANTENG NAN KEREN AMIT2, POKOKNYA LAKI PISAN DEH!!! berhasil membuat gue bertekad untuk menonton film itu.

jujur aja, gue bukan Trekkie, jadi gue ga expect apa2 dari film ini selain visual2 yang indah. dan walopun dulu si Mas Ditto itu cinta berat sama Star Trek, dan dia sempet punya aja gitu figure pesawat Enterprise-nya. dan jujur aja [lagi], setelah nonton Star Trek kemaren, gue yg baru tau gitu, kalo tu pesawat judulnya Enterprise :| *dirajam idup2 oleh 314952629412489701239471265 Trekkie*
yah, anyway, filmnya ini semacam prekuel. tampak prekuel tuh lagi ngetrend gitu di holiwud sonoh. mungkin sebentar lagi akan dibuat prekuel Mission Impossible ya? ngeliat gimana Tom Cruise bisa mount climbing tanpa alat bantu Ethan Hunt bisa jadi eijen. ato apalah. prekuel Harry Potter mungkin. melihat masa2 Marauders di Hogwarts.


ini prekuel, jadi menceritakan si Kapiten Kirk dan Spock dari mulai mereka kecil sampe ketika mereka terdampar di Enterprise [yang ternyata caranya si Kirk enggak kece sama sekali :| ] untuk melindungi planet Vulcan yang konon sedang diserang oleh bangsa planet Romulus yang dipimpin oleh Nero [sumprit gue demen sekali nama2 Romawi seksi ini! X) ]

konflik filmnya juga cukup oke. kenapa si Nero [yaoloh, Eric Bana suaranya seksi bangeeett!! hidih!! *menggelinjang* ] sampe tega ngancurin planetnya Spock, dan gimana ceritanya si Kirk bisa jadi Kapitennya Enterprise, dan lain2.

highlight film ini untuk gue adalah Simon Pegg with Glaswegian accent dan Zachary Quinto. Simon Pegg ... God, i love this man! semenjak nonton dia di Shaun of the Dead, gue udah suka sama kelakuan bodohnya. dan engga norak aja gitu kocaknya tuh. dia bisa mengeluarkan jokes cerdas ataupun slapstick tanpa kesan cheesy. walopun agak2 kurang pol dia di sini tanpa soulmatenya, Nick Frost atau David Schwimmer ^^

dan Zachary Quinto ... uwoh! gue bukan penganut Heroes, tapi gue suka sekali melihat beliau di sini. gue suka suaranya, dan mukanya yang tanpa emosi itu. dan ketika dia lagi memikirkan strategi menyerang Romulan yang diselipi "get out off the chair" untuk Kirk. hih, meringding gue dengernya. dan badannya bagus men! tall, slim and slender gitu. HIDIH!! *menggelinjang*
kaya Alex-ku :|
unyaaa .... *gerayangi Alex*
oh ya, dan menurut gue si Kirknya mirip vampir emo jejaden itu.
siapa namanya?
urrmm ... Edward?

dan seperti yang sudah saya bayangkan, visualisasi film Star Trek ini sangat indah! gue suka pesawat dan interiornya, dan teknologinya yang aduhai itu. dan Eric Bana walopun ujutannya agak2 abstrak, tapi masih keliatan seksi, dan mulutnya yang selalu pouting itu ... hidih!! *monyong monyong mo nyipok Bana*

maap, salah poto si Bana. harusnya yg ini ...
*tunjuk kanan*

dan buat para penggemar Winona Ryder, di film ini kita [ya, saya juga suka Winona!] bisa melihat ujutan mbak2 cantik ini di masa tuanya. yang masih cantik :|
untung ada celanya dia ya, Tuhan Maha Adil.

dan soundtracknya! gue suka sekali scoringnya. aku ingin!

menurut gue JJ Abrams sakses membuat Star Trek yang ceritanya lepas dari yang sebelum2nya, jadi orang2 yg awam banget soal Star Trek [seperti saya] bisa menonton film initanpa harus bertanya2, ini siapa, itu pesawat apa,kenapa diberi nama seperti itu, dan lain2.

over all, i like this movie.

dan ketika film selesai, ternyata ada sodara gue si Quasimodo Tyas dan lelakinya! ahuwaaaa!!! emang dasar si gendeng, engga janjian juga ketemu aja gitu!!
hihihi .. senang sekali begajulan bersama mereka XD

ps. images taken from Google Image Search.
pic of Tyas and Erick came from her.


[Review] St. Trinian's

i want to be a St. Trinian.
they've got wicked curriculum, fabulous dorm, great headmistress, superb fellow students, kinky uniforms and ... the Head Girl is so hot.

what? she looked familiar?
but, of course. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you Gemma Arterton.
still not familiar? what about Miss Strawberry Fields?
of Quantum of Solace?
ah yes ... the uber-lucky bitch who got kisses on the back from Daniel Craig. damn.
i want that *points down*

well, anyway, i will make a review on Solace later.
that's a promise.

now, St. Trinian's ...

gue suka film ini!
ceritanya sebenernya simple aja, dan cukup standar malahan. gimana anak2 sekolah khusus perempuan yg bandel2 dan liar mempertahankan sekolahnya biar ga ditutup, karena kepala sekolahnya nunggak belom bayar germo pelacuran anak2 bawah umur uang kos biaya operasi kelamin pajak sampe around 500grand. in poundsterling. all money.

kepala sekolah macam apa yg bisa nunggak pajak pendapatan sampe sebesar itu!? *ngakak guling guling* anyhow, merasa kalo mereka ga mau ke sekolah normal, murid2 St. Trinian akhirnya membuat "a master plan" untuk mencuri Scarslut The Girl With Pearl Earring painting, all the while sekolah mereka jumpa fans sama Oscar Wilde ikut tv quiz school challenge di National Gallery, yg dijaga maha ketat pake laser2 yg bergerak randomly segala [iye, kaya di Ocean's 12 dan Entrapment gitu deh], untuk nantinya dijual di black market, dan hasil penjualan akan dipake buat bayar pajak sekolah.

and Gemma Arterton is so hot.

the girls are really wicked, dari 1st year sampe yg paling senior tuh sama gilanya pisan! ga berenti gue ngakak nonton film ini. love the dark brit humour! dan gue suka sama seragamnya! kinkeh abis! i want to be in that school!
bayangin aja, men ... juniors yg 1st year itu udah pada jago aja dong bikin explosives dan campuran untuk buat vodka! edaaaannn!! dan malem2 di garasi sekolah tuh mereka yg bikin illegal stores aja! mulai dari jual minuman keras [yg ditest ke temen sendiri ... a very hot Eastern-Europe girl with lush accent!], sampe tampon '_'

still... Gemma is gorgeous.

di film ini Colin Firth jadi somewhat antagonis. yeah, dia jadi menteri depdikbud yg bercita2 menutup St. Trinian. karena menurut dia tu sekolah engga berguna banget [emang sih kalo dipikir2 dengan akal sehat dan menyampingkan nafsu XD ]

dan Rupert Everett?
Gosh, i love this man! ever since i saw him in My Best Friend's Wedding! i want to be his best friend! move over, Madge! *digebuk lengan kekarnya Madonna*

just look at him, man!
yes! that's Rupert Everett in this movie!
and he sings as well. yes, a beautiful duet with ... Colin Firth!
apparently, way before Colin fathered my upstairs neighbour,
he had an affair with Madonna's best friend, me hearties!
by the way, the duet of Colin and Rupert was Love Is In The Air.
it was hillarious!
i want to soundtrack album! it's so wicked!

and Gemma sang in the album.

ps. pictures came from Google Image Search


[Review] Angels & Demons

ada hal yang gue nggak ngerti dari kaum Casting Director di holiwud sana. kenapa mereka selalu menyuruh seorang Keltik yang guwanteng berbadan indah eksotis menawan untuk menjadi seorang ... PENDETA.

semua tentu masih ingat insiden gue dan Sup yang disantet edan2an sama seorang pendeta Jesuit Keltik merangkap fotografer? dan jangan lupakan pendeta bersuara tidak senonoh di Cowoq Bertopeng Setrikaan The Man In The Iron Mask, dan pendeta ekshibisionis yang hobi berenang bugil sambil diliatin Demi Moore? dan kaya semua pendeta2 itu belom cukup untuk membuat gadis2 manis, lugu, ceria seperti saya [dan Suppi] untuk berbuat dosa dan kemudian mengaku dosa di pangkuan mereka. gimana ga mati kalo pendeta ujutannya begindang semua???

sekarang ada lagi seorang Keltik yang dititahkan untuk menjadi pendeta.

Ewan Gordon McGregor.

yep, lelaki yang pernah "mampir" di mimpi gue itu. sekarang menghampiri gue dengan berbalut jubah hitam dan clerical collar. yaoloh.
boooooo!!!! pendetanya begitulah ujutannyaaa!!! kurang ajaaarrrr!!! *gamparin Ewan pake tjipokan2 ganas ... dan gamparin teman sebangku nonton pake gaplokan2 ganas*

jadi ceritanya jumat kemaren tuh geng JAHANAM [yes, H6 is now called JAHANAM, people. JAtiwaringin HA eNAM] dan Joy pergi nonton Angels and Demons.yah, emang dasar anak2 JAHANAM pada ga akur sama yang namanya rencana, jadi sempet keribetan gitu pas si Joy menawarkan diri untuk membeli tiketnya pas lunch time. yg ada gue ma Otan Alien Tari Alien yg kalang kabut nanya2in orang2nya pada mau ikut nonton ato engga. dan terjadilah, Frankie dan stuntman Afgan Didiet ga kedapetan beli tiket. akhirnya mereka beli tiket sendiri. huhu, maaf ya teman2. dan itu pun sempet hampir ada yang mengundurkan diri karena visa keluar malemnya nyaris ga tembus :|

sekitaran jam 6 sore, baru deh semua orang fix bisa nonton yang jam 8.30. bayangin sodara2 sekaliyan sebangsa dan setanah air. segitunya geng JAHANAM sama yg namanya rencana, sampe nonton udah segitu malemnya, masih ada yg bisa bilang 'liat ntar deh.' hahahaha. God, i love my friends *group hug*

anyway, filmnya. Angels and Demons.
gue belom baca bukunya, dan baru dapet tadi pinjemannya dari Mba Terry. jadi gue bener2 blind soal apa Angels and Demons ini. beda sama ketika gue nonton Da Vinci Code. gue udah baca bukunya, jadi gue yah .. ga expect apa2 aja gitu pas nonton. gimana engga! pas nonton aja gue yg telat 1/2 jam aja gitu *peyuk Sup*
iya, insiden nonton jidatnya Tom Hengs Da Vinci Code itu adalah pertama kalinya gue ketemu sama siluman Rubah berekor bersuami berekor sembilanku. unyuuu .... *peyuk Alex*

Sup: Suy, Suy, kayanya pas kita pertama ketemu elu belom dinistai si koki-vokalis Yunani-Sekot itu deh.

oh iya! betul itu, jadi bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi kalau saja yang jadi Robert Langdon itu Ralph Fiennes.


ya, emang ga ada hubungannya sih.
cuma agak kesilauan aja sama jidat kemaren.


filmnya .....

Padre McGregor ....

duh gusti, bener2 yg nyantol di otak gue abis nonton tuh ya si Padre itu. keji pisan deh ngecast si Sekot itu buat jadi Padre.

eLmo: forgive me, father for i have sinned ...
Padre McGregor: yes, my child.
eLmo: i have some impure thoughts about thee ... *melata ke pangkuan ... digeret Alex jauh2*

sejauh yang bisa diingat oleh otak gue, yang rentan memorinya engga lebih kece dari seekor ikan mas ini, Angels and Demons bercerita tentang diculiknya 4 calon Paus di Vatikan, setelah kematian Paus yang saat itu sedang berkuasa [halah bahasanya!]. sang penculik mengirimkan pesan ke Vatikan kalau dia akan membunuh satu per satu calon Paus ini di tempat umum setiap jamnya. enter Robert Langdon dan jidatnya dan ceweq ... Vittoria watsisname itu. oh dan bapaknya Suppi bapaknya Will Turner Switzerland Guard untuk membantu. dan ketika happening kejadian pembunuhan calon Paus itu, ada bonus cap panas di dada mereka. yang masing2 adalah sebuah ambigram yang bertuliskan 4 elemen. walopun Langdon, Richter dan Vittoria sempet bitchy2an nyolot2an mereka, tapi akhirnya ketauan juga, orang iseng mana yang nekat mengacaukan pemilihan Paus ini.

kalo untuk filmnya, gue lebih suka Da Vinci Code. mungkin karena gue emang suka tema di balik riddlesnya yg kontroversial itu [iye, gue emang demen sama yg ora ng'genah kaya gitu]. mungkin karena gue suka karya2nya Da Vinci. mungkin juga karena penjelasan2 di balik setiap riddlesnya itu sangat menarik? atau mungkin karena Jean Reno dan Eyang McKellen?

Eyaaannggg .. tjutju rinduuu .... *ngelendot di Eyang*

entahlah. bagi gue Angels and Demons engga lebih dari sebuah film action yang diangkat dari sebuah novel dan berlokasi di tempat yang SUWANGAT INDUWAH! edan itu patung2 malaikatnya, gereja2nya ... ROME, PEOPLE, ROME!!!

dan jangan lupa Ewan McGregor berbusana pendeta, minus clerical collar dengan dada terbuka *JRODH!*

dan teman2ku tercinta .. kalian engga salah koq. emang Ewan McGregor ini mukanya mirip sama cowoq yang main di The Island, Trainspotting dan Moulin Rouge!.
emang mirip abis!
ga salah koq.

ps. pictures are from Google Image Search.


[Review] X-Men Origins: Wolverine

apa yang dilakukan orang2 kantor gue begitu ga ada kerjaan?
jawabannya: kabur untuk nonton film di gedung sebelah.
setelah awal bulan lalu, kami kabur untuk nonton Fast and Furious [itu lho, yang setelah pulang nonton gue dapet tiket Jamiroquai gratisan *dirajam abis2an trus dilempar dari atep kantor* ]. kali ini kami berangkat untuk menonton Wolverine.
setelah menyusun strategi dan menghitung waktu tempuh dari kantor ke gedung sebelah yang maha garing itu, akhirnya disekapati disepakati bersama kalau kami akan menonton pukul setengah empat. dan rombongan kali ini cukup banyak, sodara2 sekaliyan yang terkasih dan tersayang. 15 orang! luar biasa! *keprok*

filmnya isinya dadanya Hugh Jackman doaaaannggg!!!! lumayan.
menurut gue dadanya Hugh Jackman bagus actionnya. yep, actionnya. untuk cerita menurut gue biasa aja.ya standar film2 Holiwud gitu deh. masih lebih oke Batman Begins sih menurut gue. dan engga ada Eyang Ratu paporit gue di film ini. bhu ... Eyang ... tjutju kangen ... *ngelendot di Eyang McKellen*
duh, gue mo cerita apa ya di sini, secara untuk jalan cerita emang cukup standar. dan yang jelas emang ni film kayanya jual dadanya Hugh Jackman eye candy banget buat ceweq2. sumpah deh gue kasih standing ovation itu casting directornya! gue doain masuk syurga, udah bikin seneng orang banyak!

dan ceweqnya tuh ya emang cuma semata wayang aja gitu sepanjang cerita. dan itupun udah disamber si Logan. GADIS KEPARAT!!! *gampar bolak balik pake high heels* ga ada mutan2 ceweq cantik2 kaya di film2 X-Men sebelumnya. Storm pun masih kecil kinyis2 gitu *HALAH!*

trus Tante2 exhibisionis berwarna biru yg kerjaannya ngintilin Eyang gue itu juga ga ada [padahal kan dia huwot banget kan yaaaa???].

and the MEN??
EMH!! where should i start?
Wolverine with that body and long legs and buttocks that can crack a walnut?

the very much younger and so human Sabretooth with his wicked grin and sexy voice?

 the oh-so-dandy and stylish Gambit with exotic name, Remy Lebeau?
God, i love his clothes. he should have a movie of his own!

well, he's no Rodrigo Santoro, but still ... rawr!

 the all-grown-up little Hobbit, Meriadoc with his buffed body and that cheeky smile?

or the now-buffed Van Wilder who had trouble finding a proper wife?

drool-fest alert!!

oh yes, i was being subjective. because now i finally able to think using my brain, not my lust.
the movie was a simple okay.
i still love Batman Begins more.
but i don't mind owning the dvd, really.


[Review] In Treatment Season 1

finally! In Treatment!
i've been waiting for ages to lay my hands on these series!
yes, i'd known this series since 2007. where the news about it first came out. not after the Golden Globe winning, unlike some people *yes, i'm being a bitch here*.

In Treatment ... well, as the title the series is about a therapy session of a psychiatrist, Paul, and his patients. each episode is half an hour long, and it reflects one session. so you will only find two people on each episode. at least, that's what i've seen so far. every patient has each problem of their own. and the set was simply in the doctor's house. entering from the front door and exiting from the back door. i like that.

you will join the doctor to listen every story given from his patient.
the first episode i've seen were about this girl who was in an unstable relationship with his boyfriend, until one night she had a chance to cheat on him, out of her pressure of the relationship, but she didn't do it. and what was the actual reson for her not doing so.

the second episode was about a navy soldier whose lastt task was to drop a bomb on an area, that was actually where a madrasah been held. the bomb killed sixteen children. curiously, after the task was done he went back to the post and sleep 'like a baby'. he claimed that he had no guilty concious whatsoever, and felt nothign when his face was spreaded around the net, and he was searched for killing the children.
instead he took a jog with his best friend, a doctor and also gay. suddenly he "died". without a light tunnel and no flashes of earlier life before his eyes. somehow, he went back to life and came to meet Paul. the actual reason for the soldier, Alex [wtf?!], to met Paul [WTF?!] was to have an advice. Alex was planning gong back to the site of the madrasah that he bombed.

Paul was dead clever. at one point, you would think that he was asking all the standard procedures a psychiatrist would say. but, he was not. he listens. he would listen, ask some somewhat sounded silly and lame question. but then, in the end, BAM! he would make a comment that hit the very target of the problem. not entirely, still the surface, but it hits.

and guess, what made it more interesting for me.
Paul has his own psychiatrist.

when it was aired on HBO last year, the series was played five nights a week. one episode for one session on the same day it aired.

i need more episodes!!
i need more of Mr. Byrne!!


[Review] Tonight: Franz Ferdinand

WARNING: i'm no professional music journalist whatsoever. i made this review the way i want to make it. yes, it might be a bit biased, since i'm obsessed with the band. what? you don't know that? then you don't know me really well.

"we wanted to make music for the girls to dance."
- Franz Ferdinand -

lo! and behold!
the Glaswegian Archdukes of Pop are back. still with previous mission. and this time they mean it. after three years of touring and being hermits in their hometown, Franz Ferdinand unleashed their third record, a club album titled Tonight: Franz Ferdinand. and i was one of those lucky bastards who are lucky enough (or bastard enough, your call) to own the "leaked edition" of the album. and loving it ever since. it was worth the wait. it was very very worth the wait.

the abums Franz Ferdinand and You Can Have It So Much Better were dominated by the rough guitar sounds and fast bass and drum playings. the songs were fast, rock almost punk, but still have that danceable feel to them. for the third album the guyz had ditched the guitars and - quoting this magazine/newspaper that i forgot the name - sold their souls to the synth god. the music of Franz Ferdinand had developed. yes, the disco-punkers didn't sounded like fast-tempo rock anymore. they explored various fields of music. not only the guitars had the boyz abandoned, but also the modern technology. it's time to make music manually. name it, human skeletons for percussions, swinging microphones from the ceilings for Doppler effects and something as simple as standing around an amplifier to create an explosively loud sound. but, fear not, the somewhat-disco-punk music still got the trademark sound of the band. and also the trademark ambiguous lyrics by Kapranos/McCarthy.

fans probably had familiar with most of the songs. since the band had played them live on several concerts, or even older album's b-sides. they even reconstructed songs that they had before to brand new ones. fascinating.

Tonight: Franz Ferdinand is music of the night: to fling yourself around your room to as you psyche yourself for a night of hedonism, for the dance-floor, flirtation, for your desolate heart-stop, for losing it and loving losing it, for the chemical surge in your bloodstream. It’s for that lonely hour gently rocking yourself waiting for dawn and it all to be even again.”
- Alexander Kapranos -

ULYSSES. the first single.
the Franztastic and fabulous works of Robert Hardy and Paul Thomson on bass and drums, respectfully, would accompany you preparing for a hedonism night out in the city. as you get ready, you can hear the creepy lyrics that somewhat sounded right, for some reasons. it would also provoke you to do something spectacular tonight. if not stupid.

TURN IT ON. the stalker anthem.
isn't it how you feel when you saw that girl? the beautiful girl that had caught your eyes ever since the night started. you wanted her, and if you can't have her, then nobody can. the synth and bass was agree with you. the drums were the conductors as you moved swiftly like a wild cat targeting its prey. the track aroused you to get her alone. without her knowing how.

NO YOU GIRLS. previously called Katherine Kiss Me before the ladz change the title. and made a whole new song to fill the title Katherine Kiss Me. these two tracks were alter egos.
was that your heart beating fast as you kissed her? or was it the drums again? the vocals were cheerful, but it sends creeps in you. why? should it do that? the night still young, no time to freaked out now. well, let her flick her cigarette and kiss you again, then.

SEND HIM AWAY. sounded sweet, despite the [again!] stalker-ish lyrics.
why being possessive? do you owned the girl? had you two just met? and was there someone before her? does it matter? various voices inside. falsetto. tenor. baritone. all pleaded her if she can let you stay tonight. what would she say? what was her answer? you waited as your heart beats like an African war-drum.

TWILIGHT OMENS. beautiful melody, vamp lyrics perfected with the half-moaning voice.
it's time to went on with the night. accompanied by a creepy organ sound that was soothing your feeling. and how you couldn't stop hearing her name in your head. you could even hear a smooth Scottish voice on the radio singing her name. the name repeated over and over again, until it became a meaningless word to you. just a meaningless row of letters. or something.

BITE HARD. a dark song about rejecting faith. smart lyric, though.
history does repeated itself, yes? even the most recent things happened to you felt like it was a has-been. aren't we all simply actors in this life and there was someone higher writing a script for us, and we must follow it? was there someone up there toying with us? should we always obey? don't we all have our own state of minds? oh, look! you broke your knees from begging and praying!

WHAT SHE CAME FOR. i loved this song even when it was still a converted mp3 from a live video.
flirty sound from an organ came to your head. accompanied with a lustful drumming and aroused guitar rhytm. you loved the feel and what you hear. you loved it even before you know what would happen. you even loved the sexy voice of Alexander Kapranos panting, 'i got a question for you, where do you see yourself in five minutes time?'. was he picking a fight with you or was he being cynical, you never know.

LIVE ALONE. something that Ms. Minogue could sing nicely. let the Franz clubbing begin!
a very familiar music played. was that Kylie? no, it wasn't. she would be good singing it, though. but, behold, the foursome from Glasgow had it better. this dance tune was made by them and only for them. that Greek-Scot's sexy voice sounded so flirty, even though he was sending away a challenge for the woman to leave him alone. but of course, you know while he'll be here, he wished he was there.

CAN'T STOP FEELING. MY. FAVOURITE. TRACK. FROM. TONIGHT. this was a b-side from the first album [i think!]. but the lads picked this up and re-do it. and VOILA! a genuine Disco Franz!
the intro, the bridge, the chorus, the middle eight, the ending. it was that rushing feeling again! didn't it sent a vague memory inside your mind? the song had hypnotised you to dance on the beautiful dancefloor, like a beautiful dancewhore. and across the room, you could see a man with floppy honey-coloured hair, facial features like a Greek god and stunningly defined English jaws was eyeing you sharply with his green eyes. at that moment, you knew this time you are the prey. he was the predator. however, you learned that after he's done with you, he would leave you dancing alone and to die on the floor. indeed, fun's not fun anymore. and your name was not even Michael.

LUCID DREAMS. yes, THE Lucid Dreams had ressurected to an almost eight-minutes track.
the night felt longer. funny how it was quick before. what happened? it felt like waking up with wings from lucid dreams. yes, it was the climax of the night. it's time to let it all out. listen! listen to the new rhytm inside you. first half of the night was fascinating, there were so many things to follow. it was like everything was not the right order, but it was spectacular! and the second half? worry not, you still have the excitement. the synth/electronica fiesta, commandeered by Mr. Nicholas McCarthy. superfantastiche!

DREAM AGAIN. a bit of You Can Have It's Fade Together, are we? darker and more spooky, though.
the night was almost over. it was time to calm down. prepared yourself to go home. was the night real, or everything just a dream? all looked so surreal, is it not? and don't you like to dream again? the eerie lullaby-like music would accompanied you on your way home. the keyboard sound was soft, tingling in your ears in a comforting way. it's time to give in to the night.

KATHERINE KISS ME. aye, the Dr. Jekyll to No You Girls's Mr. Hyde.
sitting or lying down on your bed, prepared yourself for a sleep as the first ray of morning light peeking from your window. a ballad with smooth acoustic guitar and a keyboard also played sweetly. the other side of the story. the bloke was alone, replaying the actual first kiss in with that girl his head. how he was in awe of her, and defenseless as they kissed. she was carefree, yet she looked bored as they kiss on the alleyway. but you don't mind, because you never wonder ... how the girl feels.

ps. pictures came from FFG forum.


[Review] A-Z of Franz Ferdinand

i hereby declared myself as a Franz Ferdinand-obsessed.

seumur idup gue, baru sekali gue suka sama artis sampe bela2in beli stuffsnya. buku, kolor asli original cd, original dvd, nonton konser or whatever gitu. the first one, OF COURSE, Bryan Adams. gue punya buku bio dia. dua, sodara2 sekalian yg terkasih dan tersayang. 1 boxset 18 'Til I Die, dan 3 ORIGINAL live dvd. Bryan ROCKS!!
dan gue punya album2nya, ORIGINAL, dari awal sampe yg recent, 11. dalam bentuk cd maupun ... kaset XD
pernah nonton konsernya sekali. i was in the fanclub for about 3 years hihihihi.
gue sebenernya pengen juga beli buku fotografinya dia, apa daya finansial tidak mendukung.

anyway, sekarang setelah obsesi gue pada Bryan udah agak berkurang, gue punya target baru. the Archdukes of Pop. gue punya albumnya, kumplet ... oh, kecuali si mini album Darts of Pleasures itu *lirik nista dan damba pada EPnya Sherrie*
gue punya dvdnya, walaupun tidak original, gue punya Sound Bites *lirik Tintin*.
dan kemaren akhirnya orderan buku Franz gue, yg berjudul A to Z of Franz Ferdinand, dateng. setelah berbulan2 berpikir keras gimana caranya order buku di Amazon, dan kartu bebas miskin apa yg berlaku di mereka, bayar2an tambahan, konsultasi ma orang2 kiri kanan [Avin Kesuma, ai lop yu!], dll dll, akhirnya gue memesan buku ini di amazon!. well buku ini bukan Franz yg nulis sih, tapi seorang fans bernama Helen Chase. apparently, beliau yg satu ini sudah beberapa kali bersua dengan cowoq2 Glasgow ini, dan orang2 di sekitar mereka. so, she came up with the concept of the book.
from a fan to fans.

dan guys, kalian yg menganggap gue ensiklopedia berjalannya Franz Ferdinand ... believe me, di buku ini masih BANYAK hal2 yg gue ga tau tentang mereka!
such as, Alex dan Nick beneran pacaran!!! got a degree in catering management, and a POSTGRADUATE in computing. if i wasn't mistaken, postgraduate is equal to ... S2? *tiba2 ketakutan sama suami sendiri*, dan ketika dia bekerja jadi rentboy chef di sebuah cafe yg berlokasi di lantai dasar sebuah gedung apartment milik seorang raja Spartan haus darah di Limehouse delivery boy di restoran india, sembari nunggu disuruh delivery, Alex suka ngendon di dalem mobilnya yg berwarna biru [SIRIUS ditulis warnanya!] sambil baca buku2nya Charles Bukowski, waktu Nick pertama kali kedatengan Alex di rumahnya untuk nge jam bareng, he thought 'David  Bowie in my house! brilliant!', Alex and Nick each had younger sister with almost similar names, Bob bener2 korban kejahatan seksual Alex! takut terbang and he was the one who designed most of Franz single covers from the second album, Paul was the klutz and forgetful in the band despite his cuteness, dan mereka suka sekali mengedit2 each other's Wikipedia entry O_o kurang kerjaan emang.

seru juga sih ngebaca awal perjalanan mereka dari life before Franz, lalu meeting up dan gimana mereka mulai dari awal untuk playing music to people, performing, signing records, sampe akhirnya kaya sekarang. dan walopun mereka udah worldwide famous, but they still go home to Glasgow, heir hometown, to their families, friends and their usual life. before Franz. well, except for the odd jobs, of course.

dan ngebaca testimonial2 orang2 yg emang udah kenal mereka dari awal, fans yg pernah ketemu sama mereka, dan lain2, tampak cowoq2 ini bener2 keeping their feet on the ground. they still go out with the same friends. they still help their fellow musician friends. bahkan banyak fans yg malah heran dan amazed pas tau cowoq2 Franz ini aslinya emang pada sweet, baik hati, apa adanya [sampe ada yg bilang, 'they don't try to look less or more intelligent from what they actually are!' how cute!]

ngebacain komen2nya the band juga seru! apalagi gue, sebagai makhluk visual, tentu saja sambil membayangkan tampang2nya mereka pas ngomong gitu. Alex dengan muka excited-jailnya dan minta ditiduri, Nick dengan muka tengil cengengesan, Bob yg tampak malu2, Andy yg cengir2 tengil, dan Paul yg agak gregori tapi doyan. lovely.

quote favorit gue sepanjang buku datang dari Robert Hardy:
"yesterday, i heard this kid says, "hey, do you know Franz Ferdinand? apparently the singer isn't gay!"

*ngakak guling guling bantal bantal*

Alex: ..........

di buku ini juga ada beberapa blog entry dari official website mereka. penulis entry paling banyak adalah Alex. tampak suami gue yg satu ini emang doyan nulis [dulu dia sempet punya LiveJournal loh! ato kadang menghack account LJnya Paul hihihi ... ] . sama kaya gue *digetok sama Nick* dan dari style tulisannya, terbaca kalau dia ... autis O_o
he lives in his own world, but he wouldn't mind others to enter it *dikasih kaca sama orang banyak*

err ... okay.

gue suka banget baca cerita Alex, kalo dia ke supermarket itu paling seneng wandering around di lorong2nya sambil dorong trolley. tanpa tujuan. "there was something about the neons. it's calming." katanya. *dikasih cermin lagi sama orang banyak*.

err ... okay.

trus lagi ada ex-bandmate Alex yg bilang kalo [somehitng like], 'Alex lives in his own world, he dresses in his own way, he listens to his kind of music, he practically lives in his own world.' *dijorokin ke rumah kaca sama orang banyak*

dan style penulisan Helen juga sangat light. simple english, she didn't sound like a know-it-all. she could bring us to the amazing world of Franz.
well, kalo ada any of you yg happen to cross by this book dan membacanya, mungkin kalian akan mengerti kenapa gue bisa sampe segitunya sama band ini ^_^

ps. i really would like to say the pictures came from the book,
but actually, only two of them, the rest was from Franz Fan Girls forum.
i was too lazy to scan.
