27 October 2009 32 comments

Inglourious Basterds

Genre: Cult

welcome to the war fairytale by the fabulous Quentin Tarantino.

tampaknya film ini akan menambah koleksi film Nazi-related gue di masa depan *gadis psikotik*. see? i told you, Nazi is something trendy these days. seems like anything with red flag and a black swastika on white circle related is something sells.

selain nama sang sutradara yang menarik perhatian gue di film ini adalah ... Nazi :|
awalnya rada ga minat sih sama ni film, gara2 makluk berkumis sok keren yang nongol2 di posternya. jiji. tapi yah, demi Om Tarantino, kujabani juga nonton Basterds ini.

nonton Inglourious Basterds adalah salah satu agenda jumpa kangen hewan2 Disney. yep, wiken kemaren gue dan si Beruang Kutub pergi mengunjungi sang Rubah di sarangnya. setelah bingung gimana mo ngisi waktu hura2 yang ga pake anonoh autis, kami memutuskan untuk nonton film ini.
ada yang aneh ketika baru memasuki studio. bukan, bukan karena layarnya yang super gede, mata gue berasa kaya bunglon - sebelah gerak ke kiri, sebelah gerak ke kanan - tapi kenapa salah satu penonton adalah seorang om2 yang membawa cucunya anaknya yang masih pecicilan di bawah umur. BANGET. tu om2 tau ga sih ni film apa? jangan mentang2 anaknya punya tato 666 demen si Jebred trus membabi buta ajak dia nonton film si Jebred dong.

Inglourious Basterds adalah sekelompok orang sinting yang bertujuan untuk membalas kekejaman tentara Nazi kepada kaum Yahudi. yep, geng sableng ini isinya orang2 keturunan Yahudi.

"We will be cruel to the Germans, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the German won't not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives. And the German will be sickened by us, and the German will talk about us, and the German will fear us. And when the German closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good?"

"When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin'."
- Lt. Aldo Raine -


on the other side, ada seorang gadis [tjuwantek jelita!!] yang menyimpan dendam kepada seorang Kolonel Nazi yang membunuh keluarganya ketika dia masih kecil. bukan, namanya bukan O-Ren Ishii koq, bener. dan emang jodoh dendam enggak bakal kemana, beberapa tahun kemudian ketika dia sudah tinggal di Perancis, bahkan mengganti namanya, seorang pahlawan perang Nazi kesuat2 olehnya, dan bahkan sampai meyakinkan seorang produser film untuk mempremierekan [bahasa apa ini?!] film tentang seorang gadis Indonesia yang ngakunya disiksa Pangeran negeri sebrang dirinya, yang dibintangi juga oleh sang gadis Indonesia yang PUWOL!! ga bisa ektingnya. marah, nangis, seneng, ngeden, takut mukanya gitu doang! kaya dibotox! tentara muda itu, di bioskop yang dimiliki gadis Yahudi cantik itu. sumpah tu ceweq cantik banget!

typical Tarantino, film ini juga dibagi2 menjadi beberapa chapter. dan seperti membaca sebuah kumpulan cerpen yang saling berkaitan, begitupun film ini. setiap chapter baru, kita akan disuguhi sebuah cerita utuh. mulai dari perkenalan, klimaks dan ending. menarik.
dan di masing2 chapter ada adegan2 violence ala sang sutradara. adegan violence yang sangat berlebihan dan jadi lebay! [14 liter darah keluar dari perut Tim Roth sepanjang film, dan di akhir film dia masih hidup, hello?]

gue cukup suka film ini. walaupun tidak sehebat para pendahulunya, sehingga gue mungkin belum mau menontonnya lagi dalam waktu dekat. tapi gue ga keberatan untuk membeli dvdnya. jalan ceritanya rapi, dialog2nya cerdas, pengambilan angle yang spektakuler, dan cast yang luar biasa.
ya, bahkan si Jebret itu pun tampil bagus di film ini. sebenernya dia emang bagus sih main pilmnya kalo bukan pilm komersil gitu. enek banget liat dia di Mr. & Mrs. Smith, sok ganteng banget. emang lagi masa2 caper ke Angelina Jolie kali ya? >_<

tapi kayanya gak worth aja gitu taro ni manusia di film ini gede2 di poster, porsinya dikit banget, dan dia kebanting sama yang jadi Colonel Landa. gila ni orang mantap banget!! dan jadi Hitler kocak banget!

nein nein nein nein nein nein nein!!!
- Adolf Hitler -

*ngakak guling guling* gue teringat sama Hitler yang di Russian Rhapsody nya Warner Bros XD oh ya, dan soundtracknya? noice. gue expect di album soundtracknya ada beberapa track yang dialog dari film ^^
watch out for Samuel L. Jackson's voice, peeps. the true bastard's voice. emh!

so, kalo  kalian penggemar film2 Tarantino, nontonlah film ini dan bersenang2lah. kalo bukan ya ... ikuti kata hati sajah. waktu kami nonton film ini, di tengah2 film ada segerombolan ababil yang keluar dari studio. mungkin otaknya ga nyampe ya untuk nonton ini? atau mereka hanya tertarik sama nama si Jebred itu doang?
siapa suruh.

ps. pictures came from Google Image Search.

19 October 2009 13 comments

The Ugly Truth

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Suy, aku mau kentjan gembira ma Gerry ma Pol ya.


Suy aku mau .... sidak si Gerry ya.

dan setelah tertunda sehari, kejadian sidak menyidak laki orang Gerry itu terjadi juga. Sabtu kemaren gue dengan sakses nonton Ugly Truth sama si Pol dan Shinta.

awalnya niatan gue nonton ini murni mau liat BUTT-nya Gerry Butler *dirajam Sup trus dibuang ke sungai Anduin bareng perahu yang buat angkut mayat Pangeran Gondor*. filmnya yah gue expect standar rom-com lah. dan setelah gue nonton... emang standar rom-com ceritanya. tapi "pesan moral"nya mantaBH banget, jendral!!

centre cerita ini adalah Abby dan Mike, 2 manusia yang sifatnya bertolak belakang. Abby adalah perempuan yang hidup di dunia soap opera dan Harlequinn, di mana cowoq2nya adalah impian setiap wanita [well, y'know, baik hati,sopan, cerdas, pengertian, menerima wanita apa adanya, blah blah blah blah ...] dan Mike adalah seorang laki2 yang ... real. dia kasar, ngomong dulu baru mikir, blak2an dan yang sangat tipikal laki2 ... dia visual. it was the body that impress him first, not the brain.

yes, women, THAT is a real man!

anyway, Abby adalah seorang produser acara tv yang ratingnya mulai menurun. dan Mike adalah pembawa acara talk show yang membahas relationship pria-wanita. from the hard way. yep, Mike terang2an bilang kalo yang diliat cowoq pertama kali dari perempuan adalah fisiknya.

and here's where the fun starts.

Abby yang kaku jelas ga suka sama attitude Mike. ditambah lagi juragan studio tvnya mencomot Mike untuk mengisi sebuah segmen di acara berita pagi stasiun mereka. dengan gayanya yang nyolot blak2an itu. ughyeah banget deh!
dan apa yang terjadi? dengan sakses Mike menaikkan rating acara pagi itu! tentu saja dengan gaya hostingnya yang nyeleneh [nyuruh kedua pembawa acara ciuman live on air, hello?]

kontras antara Abby dan Mike makin seru ketika Abby ngincer tetangganya yang dokter, dan "memenuhi semua checklist yang dia bikin untuk seorang pacar impian".

tapi dibalik semua kegilaan Mike, ternyata ... he's not all that bad. walopun sayang sekali sisi ini jarang sekali ditonjolkan. di film ini. beh.

gue suka film ini karena the ugly truth itself yang dikasihliat sepanjang film. well, dari posternya aja juga udah bisa kebaca kan pola pikir kebanyakan cowoq yang emang bener, dan pola pikir ceweq yang ... emang bener juga. gimana ceweq2 kalo ngedeketin cowoq2 tuh berusaha kasih liat sifat terperfect mereka dengan maksud jaga image dimata si cowoq. dan selang beberapa lama setelah in a relationship, keluarlah sifat asli masing2 dan apa yang terjadi? sukur kalo sifat asli ga jauh2 amat sama sifat palsu, kalo bertolak 180 derajat?
mati aja lu!
padahal sebenernya buat apa sih susah2 jadi orang lain "cuma" buat menarik perhatian cowoq? toh ujung2nya yang diperatiin ma tu cowoq juga fisik, dan kalo dia suka ya dia juga bakal jadi orang lain yang bukan dia demi usaha to get in women's pants.

dan buat ceweq2 juga, sebaiknya ga usah cari pasangan yang ribet2 sesuai segala kriteria yang mungkin udah kita buat dari kecil. to be really honest, i did have that such checklist when i was younger, dan hasilnya? nol. none. nada. zip.
gue ga pernah nemuin cowoq yang bener2 sesuai dengan checklist gue itu.
perlu dicatat, list itu dulu eksis ketika gue masih 100% suka laki, dan tentu saja gue mengharapkan pasangan cowoq yang 100% suka ceweq.

tentu saja gue ga dapet. gue kan idup di dunia nyata. bukan dunia soap opera atau SHITnetron.
so, ladies, stop watching sopa operas if you want to get yourself a decent man. and you don't have to look, he will come to you. really.

oh ya btw, si Katherine Heigl itu pas interview E! Behind The Scenes suaranya keren, koq di film ini enggak ya? terdengar seperti wanita Amerika kebanyakan. dan fromsome angles, she looked like Scarslutt Johanssen. idih!
but Katherine's prettier. WAY prettier. and looked smarter.

well, film ini cukup menghibur kami bertiga. terbukti 3 anak manusia jahanam ini tertawa paling semangat ketika menonton. downside dari film ini mungkin endingnya yang cukup tipikal rom-com. tapi setelah itu ada penghujung yang cukup touche buat yang nonton. hehehe.

ps. images came from Google Image Search

06 October 2009 6 comments

Phobia 2

Genre: Horror

when i first watched the first Phobia [4BIA], i thought it was smart, frightening and a favourite. when i heard there was a sequel, i made up my mind, that i must watch it in the cinema. it should worth.

so last night, i went to see it with my Polar Bear and Otan. my sister.

here are the stories. taken from wikipedia [with some of my editing, since it's still fresh in my memory], cuz i simply too lazy to write my own :p


the story focusing on a 14 year old; Pey, who has committed a crime Pa-Hin (throwing rocks) (being on the motorcycle throwing rocks to the cars windshield waiting for the car to crashed then steal money and other valuable items from the owner) and in order to keep the news low his mom decided that Pey must get ordained to become a buddhist novice to escape the crime he commited, under the guise of a monk, Pey remains unnoticed as a criminal. However, something deep down inside is bothering him. As he spend the night in the woods trying to meditate something is bothering him, his thoughts and something else. The grip of fear tightens as he realizes that 'karma' has no friend or foe when deciding a man's fate or fortune.


Arthit; a playful teenager crashes his bike and breaks both legs. At the hospital he has been moved from the ER room to a shared room. In the room, there is an old man in a coma who has been waiting for almost a month for his family to decide to pull the plug on his oxygen. What happens that night will make Arthit realize that being alone is always better that being around bad company.


Upon graduation, a young Japanese couple decided to travel around Thailand by backpacking. After failed attempts to hitchhike from Samui island to Bangkok, the boyfriend waves a 1,000 Baht note in hopes to entice passing cats to pick them up. What is hiding inside the truck's trailer? Is there something deeper and darker that lurks behind the kind smiling face of the truck driver who lets them hop in? The answers to these questions will cause an adrenalin rush like no other.


Nuch is a car dealer. She makes her living by rebuilding severely damaged cars. But little do unsuspecting bargain hunters know, beneath the new upholstery and shiny repainted exteriors are cars with horror pasts. One night after closing the car garage she discovers her son is missing. Reviewing the security camera tapes she sees her son climb inside a car that she recently bought but nowhere on tapes has him climbing out "Cemetary Garage" where you drive off with more that you bargained for.

In Between

[note: i changed the title, it's not In The End as Wikipedia said. and it's quite interesting, since the four blokes in this segment are also in the 4BIA. and on the same titled part.]
Ter, Puak, Shin and Aey are the movie crew of an upcoming horror movie. They are shooting their last scene. On the last night, Puak is trying to be cool and tells one of the sick cast members that, "the show must go on". So when that actress accidentally dies during the filming she makes sure to come back from the dead to finish her role. The four of them must shoot the movie that has a real ghost playing the role of ghost in the end. and the main actress must not know about this.

if you seen the first 4BIA, you all can rejoice, because there's no ugly 3D-ed ghoul in this one. but, it took price to exchange. the stories are not as smart as the first one, some of them are overdone. if i went to see it for free, i might walked out on the third segment. it's fucking gory and i hate it. right from the very first segment.

but, i think i made the right decision to ask my friends who'd seen it, what do they think about it. when they told me that the four blokes from the first movie appeared again and their part this time was way better and funnier. so i didn't actually wasting my 25k rups to watch blood spilled here and there [bugger off SAW and HOSTEL!!!! *gives finger*]

in my opinion, the second and last parts are alright. less blood, [somewhat] reasonable plot - especially the last one, love the twist! gah. i hate hospitals >_<

my least favourite? the third one. BAH!!
