20 May 2012

[Review] St. Trinian's

i want to be a St. Trinian.
they've got wicked curriculum, fabulous dorm, great headmistress, superb fellow students, kinky uniforms and ... the Head Girl is so hot.

what? she looked familiar?
but, of course. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you Gemma Arterton.
still not familiar? what about Miss Strawberry Fields?
of Quantum of Solace?
ah yes ... the uber-lucky bitch who got kisses on the back from Daniel Craig. damn.
i want that *points down*

well, anyway, i will make a review on Solace later.
that's a promise.

now, St. Trinian's ...

gue suka film ini!
ceritanya sebenernya simple aja, dan cukup standar malahan. gimana anak2 sekolah khusus perempuan yg bandel2 dan liar mempertahankan sekolahnya biar ga ditutup, karena kepala sekolahnya nunggak belom bayar germo pelacuran anak2 bawah umur uang kos biaya operasi kelamin pajak sampe around 500grand. in poundsterling. all money.

kepala sekolah macam apa yg bisa nunggak pajak pendapatan sampe sebesar itu!? *ngakak guling guling* anyhow, merasa kalo mereka ga mau ke sekolah normal, murid2 St. Trinian akhirnya membuat "a master plan" untuk mencuri Scarslut The Girl With Pearl Earring painting, all the while sekolah mereka jumpa fans sama Oscar Wilde ikut tv quiz school challenge di National Gallery, yg dijaga maha ketat pake laser2 yg bergerak randomly segala [iye, kaya di Ocean's 12 dan Entrapment gitu deh], untuk nantinya dijual di black market, dan hasil penjualan akan dipake buat bayar pajak sekolah.

and Gemma Arterton is so hot.

the girls are really wicked, dari 1st year sampe yg paling senior tuh sama gilanya pisan! ga berenti gue ngakak nonton film ini. love the dark brit humour! dan gue suka sama seragamnya! kinkeh abis! i want to be in that school!
bayangin aja, men ... juniors yg 1st year itu udah pada jago aja dong bikin explosives dan campuran untuk buat vodka! edaaaannn!! dan malem2 di garasi sekolah tuh mereka yg bikin illegal stores aja! mulai dari jual minuman keras [yg ditest ke temen sendiri ... a very hot Eastern-Europe girl with lush accent!], sampe tampon '_'

still... Gemma is gorgeous.

di film ini Colin Firth jadi somewhat antagonis. yeah, dia jadi menteri depdikbud yg bercita2 menutup St. Trinian. karena menurut dia tu sekolah engga berguna banget [emang sih kalo dipikir2 dengan akal sehat dan menyampingkan nafsu XD ]

dan Rupert Everett?
Gosh, i love this man! ever since i saw him in My Best Friend's Wedding! i want to be his best friend! move over, Madge! *digebuk lengan kekarnya Madonna*

just look at him, man!
yes! that's Rupert Everett in this movie!
and he sings as well. yes, a beautiful duet with ... Colin Firth!
apparently, way before Colin fathered my upstairs neighbour,
he had an affair with Madonna's best friend, me hearties!
by the way, the duet of Colin and Rupert was Love Is In The Air.
it was hillarious!
i want to soundtrack album! it's so wicked!

and Gemma sang in the album.

ps. pictures came from Google Image Search


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